CT Floors – Service and Maintenance Solutions

CT Floors Service and Maintenance Solutions

Flooring Maintenance

As with any High-valued product – whether it’s a car, a boat, a mining tipper truck – your floor will need to be maintained and services if you want to keep it looking good and function correctly.

Floor testing Services

If you have problems with your current flooring installation, give us a call. We have the experience, knowledge and qualifications to give you reporting for claims as well as solutions for remedies.

CT Floors Installation Services

CT Floors is an approved flooring contractor for most of the major local- and international manufacturers of high-performance flooring products.

Established in 2002, our focus is on providing flooring solutions to the industrial and commercial property owner who needs fast turnaround times for their, or their tenants’ specific requirements.

Give CT FLOORS a call and experience the difference that we can give you.

Concrete Protection Systems.

(011) 568-0333 / info@ctfloors.co.za